The National Social Security Institute is the Bulgarian competent institution and liaison body concerning the application of the Regulation (EC) № 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems; Regulation (EC) № 987/2009 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EC) № 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems and the Bulgarian international agreements in the field of social security concerning:
- Sickness, maternity (paternity) cash benefits and death grants;
- Unemployment cash benefits;
- Old-age, Invalidity and Survivors’ pensions.
Sickness, maternity (paternity) cash benefits and death grants
The local offices of NSSI are the competent ones to grant sickness, maternity (paternity) cash benefits and death grants.
In all cases the correspondence with the foreign competent institutions and liaison bodies incl. issuing of bilateral forms, E-forms, structured electronic documents (SEDs) and portable documents (PDs) is accomplished through EU Regulations and International Agreements Directorate
The assessment of pensions’ rights and the correspondence with the foreign competent institutions and liaison bodies incl. issuing of bilateral forms, E-forms, structured electronic documents (SEDs) and portable documents (PDs) is accomplished from:
- the local office of NSSI – for the persons with permanent and present address in Bulgaria;
- EU Regulations and International Agreements Directorate - for the persons with residence in other EU/EEA member state or state which Bulgaria applies international agreement with.